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Dabur Promise Wet Sampling

Getting the customers to use a new product can be challenging and even more difficult if the market is saturated with similar products.  With the use of product sampling, Kiboko Enterprises is able to introduce the product to potential customers giving them an opportunity to experience the product, provide relevant feedback and test the uniqueness of the product in regards to the existing products.

Kiboko Enterprises in conjunction with Dabur successfully held a 6 day wet sampling campaign for Dabur Promise (mint & clove toothpaste) in Gulu covering Lacor, Palenga, Kabelepong, Bobi, Minakulu and the Main market area. The exercise yielded unbiased feedback from a diverse market sampling group and with the twitches the product was ready for launch on a country wide scale.

Kiboko Enterprises Dabur Promise Wet Sampling 1
Kiboko Enterprises Dabur Promise Wet Sampling
Kiboko Enterprises Dabur Promise Wet Sampling 2